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Jackson boil water notice: Mayor says treatment chemicals to continue

Jul 05, 2023

The treatment chemicals that have been causing repeated boil water notices will continue to be necessary for about a year, mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba said Monday at a news conference at the O.B. Curtis Water Treatment Plant.

The City of Jackson has been under a boil water notice for over a week, with many restaurants and residents left wondering why.

The plant recently switched from using soda ash, which clumped in extreme humidity, to a lime slurry in order to clean the water, Lumumba said, but the slurry leads to higher turbidity, or cloudiness, in the water, which has caused the boil water notices.

"When I continue to share with you that our water treatment facility is under a constant or perpetual state of emergency, when I say that, I mean it," Lumumba said.

Weatherization projects that will allow the plant to go back to soda ash will not be completed until next year, city engineer Robert Lee said. Until then lime slurry will continue to be used. The city had used lime slurry until around 6 years ago, when consistently high turbidity levels caused them to switch to the soda ash, the mayor said.

Jackson boil-water notices:Boil-water notices frustrate Jackson restaurant owners and drive up costs. Here's why.

Boil water advisory:Jackson is under a citywide boil water advisory. Here is why.

"We believe that this is the culprit in terms of the turbidity level in our water," Lumumba said.

Some aspects of the city's weatherization projects have already been completed. One of the most visible is a large white enclosure that has been built around the plant's membranes. That said, the city has said they are hundreds of millions of dollars short of what they need in order to make the plant compliant with federal laws and regulations.

"In spite of our continued requests for funding to handle all of the accumulated problems that have surfaced from administration to administration, we are presently making investments in our water treatment facility each and every day," Lumumba said. "If you look behind me you see this huge building. Sometimes when we describe that there's a structure we're trying to put over our membranes to weatherize our system and protect it, it is difficult to fully grasp and understand the type of investment that we're making here."

The mayor and Lee were joined by Keith Allen, staff water resources engineer at Cornerstone Engineering, to emphasize their view that the city's water is safe, despite the continued boil water notices. The high turbidity, they say, is a symptom of the use of lime slurry, not an indication of unsafe water.

"The lime turbidity does not cause any health hazard," Allen said.

That said, high turbidity can also increase the chances of unsafe particles in the water, according to a news release the city issued Thursday that said residents "must take precaution and boil your water before use."

The mayor and Allen referred to high turbidity due to lime slurry use as a "technical violation" with the Mississippi State Department of Health, and not an indication of danger. Lumumba said the city is petitioning the department to change the sampling point for the city's water, so that samples may be taken further down stream where the slurry may have had more time to dissipate. This may decrease the frequency of boil water notices, Lumumba said, and he believes those conversations with the department have been positive and productive.

Lee also addressed reports that tens of millions of gallons of raw sewage have flowed into nearby waterways between April and June. He said fixing those leaks, particularly the single leak that led to about 20 million gallons of untreated wastewater flowing into Town Creek, is difficult and expensive. He said that the collapsed sewer line is located under a railyard, and that raw sewage continues to leak out and make its way into the creek, which flows into the Pearl River.

As the city continues to put together its proposal package to send to the state for federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act, Lee said the bulk of those proposals will go toward addressing the city's sewage system, not its drinking water treatment plants.

"We're going to look at that more for our sewer works. As you know we have a lot of sewer issues in town," Lee said. "We're also looking at some other federal aid funding options … that can help us here at the water plant."

Lumumba said many of the city's woes in drinking water and sewage come from decades of mismanagement.

"These are things that got out of control with the city and we're trying the best we can to catch up," Lumumba said.

The mayor also addressed recent comments from city councilmember Kenneth Stokes, who suggested that the city should continue privatizing its water systems. The mayor came out strongly against that idea.

"That is an absolute death sentence for cities," Lumumba said. "You lose control of the water, you lose control of the city, point blank. Before Detroit went bankrupt, they lost control of their water system."

While he was staunchly against privatization, the mayor said the city is willing to enter contracts and maintenance agreements which help augment staffing shortages and keep plants running with qualified personnel.

As the mayor was finishing up his news conference, another was beginning downtown at Iron Horse Grill. That conference, hosted by the Mississippi Hospitality and Restaurant Association, brought together restaurateurs from across Jackson who have been calling on the city and the state to find a solution that will keep them from having to spend thousands of dollars per week when under repeated boil water notices.

In an interview, Iron Horse general manager Andy Nesenson said his restaurant can spend as much as $2,500 a week during the notices, a cost that is almost always absorbed by the business. He says it is a real threat, especially for restaurants smaller than Iron Horse.

"We're certainly doing everything we can to keep the doors open," Nesenson said. "Obviously, we don't want to close. We've got, you know, almost 90 employees that depend on a check every other week, and so our job is to try to do everything we can to not only make the public feel comfortable to come out and dine, but also for our employees. I mean, school just started today for a lot of them, and we've got a lot of moms and dads out here that, you know, if they don't work they don't eat."

Jackson boil-water notices:Boil water advisory: